Monday, September 6, 2010


This month we are traveling. This trip started out as just me going to Salt Lake City to see Lamont ride in a 206 mile bike ride and be a support with his girlfriend Erika. Then a girlfriend said she wanted to go also. She loves Lamont and wanted to see him. Then a cousin wanted to meet us in Wyoming (that is where the bike ride ends.) So I booked a room in Utah and Wyoming with the hopes of dividing it 3 ways. As the time got closer the girlfriend backed out and so did the cousin. Bummer. Hubby comes to the rescue. He said "I want to go!" He wanted to see Lamont too. This kid is a popular guy. Hubby and I start planning our trip. We had skied in New Mexico and said we wanted to come back when it was nicer and as mapquest suggested we go right thru New Mexico. Woo hoo! I have a high school friend that lives in Santa Fe and he said he wanted to show us around, I set it up and we were good to go. Hubby starts talking to guys at work and they had been to some sights in Utah and loved it. He comes home one day and said "We are going straight to Utah and doing our sight seeing!" So I tell my high school friend and we decide we will see about lunch or dinner. Plus I was going to go by and see the Lindseys in Gallup, NM. We get on the road and hit Albuquerqe at noon and I had told my friend what time. All of a sudden he can't meet because we aren't going to Santa Fe it is out of our way, after all we are driving thousands of miles. I had emailed the Lindseys but they never responded so we by passed Gallup. We are heading down the road and the Lindseys call. We talk and are both disappointed that it was too late. What is it about my friends that everyone backs out...
The sights in New Mexico and Utah are something to behold. I have never seen anything like this. We are having a great time and will be in Salt Lake City Wednesday.
After Wyoming we are heading to South Dakota. Stanley is leaving on Saturday and I will be staying the rest of the month. We are planning a surprise birthday party for my sister as she is turning 60.
I may need to get a job when I get back to pay for all of this...


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