
Kettlebells seem to be the newest workout with weights at my health club. I think it has swept the nation because Lamont and Erika have stated they are attending the same class. We are trying to get ready for skiing. I have bought some kettlebells and they are sitting in the corner of the living room collecting dust. My hope is that Stanley will use them once he learns the technique.
With the beginning of the new year I have convinced Stanley to attend Art of Strength class at the health club I am a member of. He is not a big guy but has a belly that over laps his belt and I don't like it. He is a night snacker. I don't buy the snacks but he will go to Walmart and bring home Hostess Twinkies and ice cream. I don't have a problem NOT eating that stuff but he cannot resist.
Every Christmas I receive from the health club 2 one month gift cards for the health club. So I asked Stanley if he would like to attend and get rid of his tummy. He said he was game. After a week of doing this class I am not sure he is still "game" but he is hanging in there.
Above you will see the offending item that is causing much torture for us as we try to get rid of the extra pounds. We are the oldest people in the class but no one seems to care. Stanley has not done much exercising for most of the years of our almost 39 yrs. of marriage. He is active but lately has gotten less active and does alot of sitting in front of the TV. Half way thru class the other night he looked at me and said "I hate you!" He was pale and sweating and wheezing. Poor guy. I am proud of him for taking on this challenge and working hard at it tho. :-)
Hang in there, Stanley!!!
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