Monday, April 26, 2010


I really have nothing to say but feel like I should post something. It's not that I have a huge following like Pioneer Woman or even my friend at Blevins' Journal. I go to another friend's blog called A Mess of Morelands to check if she has posted anything and I see her last posting was in December...I think how terrible it is that she doesn't post more often. Never mind the fact that she has 4 children under 10 and a husband to take care. I don't give her any slack..shameful.
I was wondering if any of you out there have ever had a procedure done where they put your bladder in a sling. It is for incontinence. Well that is what I am facing on May 25. Not looking forward to this and wondered if anyone has had it and what do I need to look forward to.
For Mother's day we are gathering in Natchez, MS. I am looking forward to this as I will have most of my boys and all of my grandsons with me. That is always a treat.
What are your plans? Staying home? Heading out? Where?
Please share.