Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Another ski trip...

We went on our annual ski trip. We usually like to go somewhere we haven't been but since I have been blessed enough to get to ski with Lamont that is where we went. Hubby wanted to go when it was warmer and as the time approached I wondered if we would be dodging flowers since it was in the 80's in Baton Rouge. I was told by Lamont that it should be warmer and a soft shell jacket would be all I needed. As the time got closer all kinds of things started happening, his grandmother died in So. Dak. that meant he had to take off work to go to the funeral, therefore he had to work one of the days we were there and he and Erika had an appt. with a trainer the night we flew in so he wasn't able to pick us up. So, this was not looking good because I wanted to spend time with Lamont and it was looking like he was going to be real busy. Wednesday after their appt. they met up with us and we were able to visit and make some plans, Thursday we met Lamont for breakfast and then skied in the afternoon. Friday was going to be a day of skiing for all 4 of us. WOO HOO! It started out as a good day because we were getting fresh snow and that is always a good sign when you are skiing. It started blowing and became colder than I wanted it to get and then after lunch Lamont decided to go off alone and snowboard on the other side of the mountain. I didn't like that but he didn't seem to care. As Stanley, Erika and I were having an afternoon break with a cold beer I texted Lamont asking if he was ok but did not get a reply which is not unusual because we are in the mountains and sometimes you don't have service. So the 3 of us set off to ski a few more trails but it had gotten cold so I decided I was done for the day. Stanley and I took off for the base and Erika said she wanted to do a few more trails. We ordered beers and decided to watch all the people coming down the mountain. Right after we ordered I got a text from Lamont and he said "I am in the ER." Now Lamont is always joking with me so I played along with it and said "Which one...we will come visit after steak and wine." He said "Ok". Our beer arrived and my phone rang and it was Erika. She said "Lamont is in the hospital!" Apparently someone hit him or he fell and became unconscious, someone called the medics and they hauled him off to the hospital. Lamont said he remembers seeing trees on both sides of him and then the next thing he knew a guy was talking to him in the hospital. Pretty scarey. He has a dent in his helmet, goggles are cracked and he dislocated his shoulder. He has had a headache and has been dizzy since this all happened. On Saturday Lamont slept off and on all day and we skied. I told him he owed me a few days and he just sort of laughed. Oh well! He has been to the ER twice since his accident and hasn't been able to keep much down so I am not sure what is going on. Keep him in your prayers.


At April 6, 2011 at 7:18 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Since I'm reading this days later, I hope all is well with Lamont. How scary!


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