Turning 60!
It has happened I have turned 60. That seems so old but I feel 40! How is that possible? While I was in South Dakota dear old hubby decided we did not need the expensive cable that we have had for years so he canceled it and signed up for AT&T U-verse! We had talked about doing this and he decided to take matters into his own hand while I was gone. So I come home with this mess and he didn't remember what he ordered or when we were suppose to get it. GREAT! Being the controlling person I am I called AT&T and found out they were suppose to be here August 24 between 9 and 11 a.m. I decided that was going to be my stay home and clean and iron and do laundry day. I waited and waited and no one arrived. At least it wasn't a wasted day because I had accomplished alot. A few days later I look out front and there are 2 AT&T vans outside and I am thinking someone must have gotten the day wrong. Hubby goes out there to talk to them and they said they didn't need to come inside. That has me puzzled as were are suppose to be getting internet also. Days later I find out there was a part that needed to be replaced. All this time we have basic cable and that is it. I am ok with that but really miss my internet. I really don't know if the previous cable company is providing us with basic cable or is it the new one. I have asked but no one seems to know. Weeks later our guy calls and says they will be at my house between 9 and 11 a.m. on Sept. 14. Part of me wanted to scream out "NO THAT IS MY BIRTHDAY, I AM TURNING 60 AND WANT TO DO WHAT I WANT TO DO!" But I kept quiet thinking this whole mess would be behind us. I told our representative that if they didn't show up I was done with them. Hubby says "Watch what you threaten!" I guess God was trying to teach me a lesson or something cuz guess what??? They didn't show up!!!! Instead of calling our guy I went to the store close to our house where hubby set it up. I walked in and said "Hi Tim, I am Mrs. Livingston!" (I had only talked to this guy on the phone). He said "Hi, nice to meet you." Then he looked at me again and said "Uh oh!" I said "Yea! What would you like me to do? What will it take to get your service? Money?" He was very apologetic and got on the phone with someone and of course they said they would get back to him. I told him I wasn't going to sit around so he needed to call me. He did several hours later and said they will be here on October 4. I am thinking it isn't worth it to schedule my day around them.

Another frustration on my birthday was JC Penneys. I had bought polo shirts online from Penneys for us 3 girls for our family picture. One size was too small so I found out that they had the shirt at one of the malls in town. So I got purchase a Medium and find out that the shirt is $12, online it is $21. Now I could not go and exchange all of them cuz they didn't have the sizes I needed. Isn't that the strangest thing that they will not honor the in store price? I think Penneys has lost my business...
Needless to say I had a frustrating day!